副教授 高级工程师

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发布日期:2019-04-16    作者:     来源:     点击:









1.        Zhang, L.C., Ma, X.J., Chen, Z.Y., Wang, C.Y., Liu, Z.C., Li, X., Xing, X.Y.* Negative effects of artificial nest boxes on birds: A review. Avian Research, 2023, 14.

2.        Xing, X.Y., Zhang, Y.; Li, X.; Jiang, G*. Decomposing the spatial and temporal effects of climate and habitat on a Hazel Grouse (Tetrastes bonasia) population in northeastern Chinese mountains. Animals, 2023, 13,2025.

3.        Bao, W., Kathait, A., Li, X., Ozaki, K., Hanada, Y., Thomas, A., Carey, G.J., Gou, J., Davaasuren, B., Hasebe, M., Holt, P.I., Pelikan, L., Fan, Z.Y., Wang, S.Y., Xing, X.Y.* Subspecies taxonomy and inter-population divergences of the critically endangered Yellow-breasted Bunting: evidence from song variations. Animals, 2022, 12, 2292.

4.        Li, X., Wang, X.C., Lu, J.Y., Li, L.L., Li, D.M., Xing, X.Y.*, Lei, F.M. Eating more and fighting less: social foraging is a potential advantage for successful expansion of bird source populations. Biology, 2022, 11, 1496.

5.        Kong, X.M., Liu, D., Kathait, A., Cui, Y.L., Wang, Q., Yang, S.F., Li, X., Gong, M., Roberts, N., Xing, X.Y.*, Jiang, G.S.* Behavioral-psychological motivations encoded in the vocal repertoire of captive Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) cubs.  BMC Zoology, 2022 7:2.

6.        Fu, C.J., Kathait, A., Lu, G.Y., Li, X., Li, F., Xing, X.Y.* A small vocal repertoire during the breeding season expresses complex behavioral motivations and individual signature in the common coot. BMC Zoology, 2021 6:24

7.        Xing, X.Y., Slabbekoorn, H., Campbell, J., Li, F., Ma, J.Z.* 2017. Distinct song parts of the endemic marsh grassbird of China vary with latitude and climate among migratory and sedentary populations. Evolutionary Ecology, 31:63-76.

8.        Xing, X.Y., Alström, P., Yang, X.J., Lei, F.M.* 2013. Recent northward range expansion promotes song evolution in a passerine bird, the Light-vented Bulbul. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26: 867-877.

9.        覃小彬,付昌健,(...)邢晓莹*.家燕营巢特征及其对城市环境的适应性.生态学报202343( 15) : 6345-6353

10.    蓝方源, (...), 邢晓莹*. 城市化对鸟类筑巢的影响. 生物多样性, 2021, 29, 1539–1553.

11.    李翔, 谭霄鹏, (...), 邢晓莹*.哈尔滨家燕 mandschurica 亚种繁殖生态特征. 动物学杂志, 2019, 54(6): 793 ~ 799

12.    邢晓莹,李翔,李枫,马建章*. 27年黑龙江省鸟种变化的初步修订. 生态学杂志, 2017, 36(10):2787-2794.

13.    雷富民, 邢晓莹.《中国鸟类鸣声》. 科学出版社: 北京, 2017.

14.    雷富民, 邢晓莹. 鸟类是否具有语言. 10000个科学难题 生物学卷》. 科学出版社: 北京, 2010, pp. 105-107.


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