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发布日期:2020-12-09    作者:     来源:     点击:

兼任东北林业大学学术会员会委员、国家林业和草原局猫科动物研究中心常务副主任、国际学术期刊Journal of Zoological Research 主编、《野生动物学报》编委、中国林学会“自然保护地与生物多样性分会”常务理事兼秘书长、 国际动物学会“全球变化的生物学效应专家工作组”委员、世界自然基金会“虎豹保护项目高级咨询专家”、中国动物学会兽类学分会理事、俄罗斯远东虎豹保护专家委员会荣誉专家、东北虎豹国家公园“野生动物紧急救助专家组”成员、全国检查机关生态环境公益诉讼技术专家等职务。
2019年获中国野生动物保护协会“斯巴鲁生态保护奖” ;2019年“东北虎豹种群及栖息地精准保护与管理研究”获中国林业梁希科技进步奖二等奖,还曾获得全国博士生学术论坛“优秀论文奖”、中国林学会“梁希青年论文奖”、“东北林业大学年度新闻人物”、世界自然基金会 “虎保护最佳巡护监测奖”、东北林业大学优秀研究生指导教师等荣誉。
主持国际、国内科研项目48项;已在国内外发表学术论文98篇,其中英文学术论文75篇;专利10项,软件著作权1项,技术标准1项,出版专著2部;多次赴美国、俄罗斯、印度、越南、泰国等地考察和技术合作,并进行虎豹及其猎物种群的保护技术研究的交流与合作,带领研究团队在中国首次发布了清晰完整的全球濒危的东北豹自动相机影像;首次在黑龙江完达山区拍摄到野生东北虎自动相机影像;首次在黑龙江省拍摄到完整东北豹自动相机影像;首次发现并报道了中国东北豹和东北虎的繁殖种群证据;在联合国亚太经合会的项目支持下首次开展中俄虎豹跨境监测研究项目,中央电视台东方时空、中央电视台新闻直播间、英国每日电讯、文汇报、北京科技报、哈尔滨新晚报等几十家国内外媒体进行了采访,以及PNAS, Biological Conservation, Scientific Reports, Landscape Ecology, Ecography, Ecosphere, Oryx等国际学术期刊对研究进展进行了报道。
2004.09—至今     东北林业大学         二级教授、博士生导师
2007.09—2009.12  中国科学院动物研究所 博士后    合作导师:张知彬 研究员
2004.09—2007.07  东北林业大学         博士生    指导教师:马建章 院士
2001.09—2004.07  东北林业大学         硕士生    指导教师:张明海 教授
1994.09—2001.06  吉林向海自然保护区   工程师、科长
1991.09—1994.09  吉林林学院林学系     大学专科  指导教师:高志光 教授
1.科技部国家重点研发计划项目“珍稀动物濒危机制及保护技术研究” (2016YFC0503200);
3.东北豹种群空间分布的生态驱动机制研究 (国家自然科学基金项目)( NSFC 31572285);
4.猎物群落与东北虎种群空间分布动态互作关系的研究(国家自然科学基金项目)(NSFC 31272336);
6.气候变化驱动驼鹿微生境利用的生态机制研究 (高等学校全国优秀博士学位论文作者专项资助项目(FANEDD-201069);
14.虎、东北豹资源调查技术研究 (国家林业和草原局);
1.Jiang Guangshun, Ma Jianzhang, Zhang Minghai. Spatial distribution of distribution of ungulate responses to habitat factors in Wandashan region, northeastern China. Journal of Wildlife Management. 2006, 70 (5):1470-1476. (Q1)
2.Jiang Guangshun,Zhang Minghai,Ma Jianzhang. Effects of human disturbance on movement, foraging and bed site selection of red deer Cervus elaphus xanthopygus in the Wandashan Mountains, northeastern China. Acta Theriologica, 2007,52(4):435-446. (Q3)
3.Jiang Guangshun, Zhang Minghai,Ma Jianzhang. Habitat use and separation between red deer and roe deer in relation to human disturbance in the Wandashan mountains, northeastern China. Wildlife Biology, 2008,14 (1) : 92-100. (Q2)
4.Jiang Guangshun, Ma Jianzhang, Zhang Minghai and Philip Stott. Multiple spatial scale resource selection function models in relation to human disturbance for moose in northeastern China. Ecological Research, 2009, 24: 423–440. (Q3)
5.Jiang Guangshun, Ma Jianzhang, Zhang Minghai and Philip Stott. Effects of human activities on spatial distribution of roe deer in northwestern slope of Lesser Khingan Mountains, northeastern China. Acta Theriologica, 2009, 54 (1): 61–76. (Q3)
6.Jiang Guangshun, Ma Jianzhang, Zhang Minghai and Philip Stott. Assessing microhabitat use by roe deer and moose in northeastern China. Wildlife Research, 2009, 36, 134–142. (Q2)
7.Jiang Guangshun, Ma Jianzhang, Zhang Minghai and Philip Stott. Multi-scale foraging habitat use and interactions by sympatric cervids in northeastern China. Journal of Wildlife Management, 2010, 74(4):678–689.(Q1)
8.Zhang Minghai, Liu Qunxiu, Piao Renzhu and Jiang Guangshun. The wolverine Gulo gulo population and its distribution in the Great Khingan Mountains, northeastern China. Wildlife Biology, 2007, 13 (2) :83-88. (Q2)
9.Jiang Guanshun, Zhao Tianbiao, Liu Jun, Xu Lei, Yu Guirui, He Honglin, Krebs C.J. and Zhang Zhibin. Effects of ENSO-linked climate and vegetation on population dynamics of sympatric rodent species in semi-arid grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. 2011. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 89: 678–691. (Q2)
10.Eric Wikramanayake, Eric Dinerstein, John Seidensticker, Susan Lumpkin, Bivash Pandav, Mahendra Shrestha, HemantaMishra, Jonathan Ballou, A.J.T. Johnsingh, Igor Chestin, Sunarto Sunarto, Phuntsho Thinley, Kanchan Thapa, Guangshun Jiang, Sivananthan Elagupillay, Hemanta Kafley, Narendra Man Babu Pradhan, Karma Jigme, Seng Teak, Peter Cutter, Md. Abdul Aziz, & Utin Than. A landscape-based conservation strategy to double the wild tiger population. Conservation Letters, 4 (2011) 219–227. doi: 10.1111/j. 1755- 263X.2010. 00162. x . (Q1)
11.Jiang Guangshun, Liu Jun, Xu Lei, Yu Guirui, He Honglin and Zhang Zhibin. Climate warming increases biodiversity of small rodents by favoring rare or less abundant species in grassland ecosystem. Integrative Zoology, 2013; 8: 162–174. (Q1)
12.Hongliang Dou, Guangshun Jiang, Philip Stott, Renzhu Piao. Climate change impacts population dynamics and distribution shift of moose (Alces alces) in Heilongjiang Province of China Ecological Research, 2013. 28(4): 625-632. (Q3)
13.Hu Suxian, Jiang Guangshun, Ma Jianzhang, Zhang Minghai, Liuhui. 2013. Resource selection of moose (Alces alces cameloides) and their response to human disturbances in the northwestern slope of Lesser Khingan Mountains, northeastern China. Journal of forestry Research, 24(4):727-734.(Q3)
14.Jiayin Gu, Sky K. Alibhai, Zoe C. Jewell, Guangshun Jiang, Jianzhang Ma. 2014. Sex Determination of Amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) from Footprints in Snow. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 38: 495–502. (Q3)
15.Jiang G. New evidence of wild Amur tigers and leopards breeding in China. Oryx, 2014, 48(03): 326-326.(Q2)
16.G. Jiang, H. Sun, J. Lang, L. Yang, C. Li, A. Lyet, B. Long, D.G. Miquelle, C. Zhang, S. Aramilev, J. Ma & M. Zhang.2014. Effects of environmental and anthropogenic drivers on the Amur tiger distribution in northeastern China. Ecological Research, (29) 801–813. (Q3)
17.Guangshun Jiang, Jun Liu, Lei Xu, Chuan Yan, Honglin He, Zhibin Zhang. 2015. Intra- and interspecific interactions and environmental factors determine spatial-temporal species assemblages of rodents in arid grasslands. Landscape Ecology, 30:1643–1655. (Q1)
18.Xinhai Li#, Guangshun Jiang#, Huidong Tian, Lei Xu, Chuan Yan, Zuwang Wang, Fuwen Wei, Zhibin Zhang. Human impacts and climate cooling caused range contraction of large mammals in China over the past two millennia. 2015. Ecography (38): 74–82. (共同一作)(Q1)
19.Hui Liu, Guangshun Jiang. Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Ussurian moose, Alces alces cameloides. Mitochondrial DNA PART A. 2016, 27: 4199-4200. (Q4)
20.Jinzhe Qi, Quanhua Shi, Guiming Wang, Zhilin Li, Quan Sun, Yan Hua, Guangshun Jiang*. Spatial distribution drivers of Amur leopard density in northeast China. Biological Conservation 191:258-265. 2015. (Q1)
21.Yao Ning, Hui Liu, Guangshun Jiang, Jianzhang Ma. Phylogenetic relationship of Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx) revealed by complete mitochondrial genome. Mitochondrial DNA PART A. 2016, 27: 3477-3478). (Q4)
22.Jiayin Gu, Yurong Guo, Philip Stott, Guangshun Jiang, Jianzhang Ma. A comparison of reproductive parameters of female Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica Temminck, 1844) in the wild and captivity. Integrative Zoology 2016, 11: 33–39. (Q1)
23.Guangshun Jiang, Jinzhe Qi, Guiming Wang, Quanhua Shi, Yury Darman, Mark Hebblewhite, Dale G. Miquelle, Zhilin Li, Xue Zhang, Jiayin Gu,Youde Chang, Minghai Zhang, Jianzhang Ma. New hope for the survival of the Amur leopard in China. Scientific Reports, 2015,5:15475. DOi: 10.1038. (Q1)
24.Xue ZHANG, Yanchun XU, Hui LIU, Guangshun JIANG. Risks involved in fecal DNA-based genotyping of microsatellite loci in the Amur tiger Panthera tigris altaica: a pilot study. Journal of Forestry Research, (2018) 29(2):525–531 (Q3)
25.He, Y., Sun, B., Li, S., Sun, X., Guo, Y., Zhao, H., Yu Wang,Guangshun Jiang, Xing, M.  (2016). Simultaneous analysis 26 mineral element contents from highly consumed cultured chicken overexposed to arsenic trioxide by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(21), 21741-21750. (Q1)
26.Li, Z., Kang, A., Gu, J., Xue, Y., Ren, Y., Zhu, Z., Liu P., Ma J., and Jiang, G. Effects of human disturbance on vegetation, prey and Amur tigers in Hunchun Nature Reserve, China. Ecological Modelling,353 (2017) 28–36.(Q2)
27.Kai Guo, Hui Liu, Heng Bao, Jingui Hu, Shoubo Wang, Weihua Zhang, Yuzhuo Zhao, Guangshun Jiang.Habitat selection and their interspecific interactions for mammal assemblage in the Greater Khingan Mountains, northeastern China. Wildlife Biology. 2017(4), (1 January 2017). (Q2)
28.Heng Bao,·John M. Fryxell,·Hui Liu,·Hongliang Dou,·Yingjie Ma,·Guangshun Jiang. Effects of interspecific interaction-linked habitat factors on moose resource selection and nutritional stress. Scientific Reports, 2017 (| 7:41514 | DOI: 10.1038/srep41514).( Q1)
29.Guangshun Jiang,Guiming Wang, Marcel Holyoak, Qing Yu, Xibo Jia, Yun Guan, Heng Bao, Yan Hua, Minghai Zhang, Jianzhang Ma. Land sharing and land sparing reveal social and ecological synergy in big cat conservation. Biological Conservation, 211(2017)142-149. (Q1)
30.Heng Bao; Hongliang Dou; Yingjie Ma; Hui Liu,Guangshun Jiang. Moose winter diet components from feces and field feeding signs: consistency and variability related to forage availability and nutritional requirements. Ecological Research,2017, 32: 685–692. (Q3)
31.Li S, Wang Y, Zhao H, Guangshun Jiang, Mingwei Xing. NF-κB-mediated inflammation correlates with calcium overload under arsenic trioxide-induced myocardial damage in Gallus gallus. Chemosphere, 2017, 185: 618-627.( Q1)
32.Hongjing Zhao, Jian Ma, Yu Wang, Juanjuan Liu, Yizhi Shao, Jinglun Li, Guangshun Jiang, Mingwei Xing. Molecular cloning and functional characterization of eleven subtypes of interferon-α in Amur tigers (Panthera tigris altaica). Developmental & Comparative Immunology, 2017,77:46-55 (Q1)
33.Gu, J., Yu, L., Hua, Y., Ning, Y., Heng, B., Qi, J., Long Z., Yao M., Huang C., Li Z., Lang J., Jiang G., Ma J. (2018). A comparison of food habits and prey preferences of amur tiger (Panthera tigris altaica Temminck, 1844) at the southwest primorskii krai in russia and hunchun in china. Integrative Zoology (2018) 13: 611–619.(Q1)
34.Qi Wang, Dan Liu, Marcel Holyoak, Teng Jia, Shengfan Yang, Xifeng Liu, Xuanmin Kong, Guangshun Jiang. Innate preference for native prey and personality implications in captive amur tigers. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, (2019) 95–102 (Q1)
35.Min Li, Jingjing Wang, Suxian Hu,Philip Stott, Baoqing Lin, Lianshan Li,Hui Liu, Heng Bao, Guangshun Jiang. Scale differences in the dependence of seasonal bird diversity on landscape structure: a case study in northeastern China Pakistan journal of zoology, 52(1), 23-35, 2020 (Q3)
36.Yao Ning, Kostoria Aleksey. V., Jianzhang Ma, Chanyka Mrina. I., Guskov Valentin Yu, Jinzhe Qi, Sheremetyeva Irina N., Meng, Wang, Guangshun Jiang. Dispersal of Amur tiger from spatial distribution and genetics within the eastern Changbai mountains of China. Ecology and Evolution, 2019, 9:2415–2424 (Q2)
37.Yu Wang,Hongjing Zhao, Dongxue Fei,YizhiShao, JuanjuanLiu, GuangshunJiang?, MingweiXing. Discrepant effects of copper (II) stress on different types of skeletal muscles inchicken: Elements and amino acids. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 167 (2019) 227–235. (Q1)
38.Y. Wang, H. Zhao, M. Guo, Y. Shao, J. Liu, G. Jiang and M. Xing, Arsenite renal apoptotic effects in chicken is co-aggravated by oxidative stress and inflammatory. Metallomics, 2018, 10,1805-1813. (Q1)
39.Qi Wang, Tingting Xu, Xindi Zhao, Dan Liu, Guangshun Jiang. Innate visual recognition for sympatric carnivores in captive Amur tiger cubs. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 218 (2019) 104823. (Q1)
40.Hamenya Mpemba, Henry Karanja,Guangshun Jiang. Predation Fear, Prey Behavior, and Community Structure: A Brief Review of Their Relationship. American International Journal of Biology, June 2019, 7:1-7.
41.Hamenya Mpemba, Yang Fan, Asia Murphy, Bao Heng and Guangshun Jiang. First Camera Trap based Evidence of Grey Wolf Canis lupus in the Hanma National Nature Reserve, Inner Mongolia, China. Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 50(0), pp 000-000, 2018. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1 (Q3)
42.Xinru Wan#, Guangshun Jiang#, Chuan Yan#, Fangliang He, Rongsheng Wen, Jiayin Gu, Xinhai Li, Jianzhang Ma, Nils Chr. Stenseth, and Zhibin Zhang. Historical records reveal the distinctive associations of human disturbance and extreme climate change with local extinction of mammals. PNAS. 2019 (doi/10.1073/pnas.1818019116) (Q1)
43.Muhammad Zaman, Bryony A. Tolhurst, Mengyan Zhu and Guangshun Jiang. Increased Flight Initiation Distance (FID) in Golden Marmots (Marmota caudata aurea) Responding to Domestic Dogs in A Landscape of Human Disturbance. Animals 2019, 9, 605; doi:10.3390/ani9090605. (Q1)
44.Mpemba,H., Fan, Y., MacLeod, KJ,Wen, D and Jiang, G. The effect of novel and familiar predator cues on prey vigilance and foraging behaviors in the Great Khingan mountains, Inner Mongolica, China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2019, 17(4):8219-8234 (Q4)
45.H. Mpemba, ·F. Yang, and· G. Jiang. The implications of fear ecology for interactions among predators, prey and mesopredators. The J. Anim. Plant Sci. 29(6):2019. (Q3)
46.Zaman M, Tolhurst BA and Jiang G. Do Red Fox (Vulpes Vulpes) can Increase the Detectability of Marks by Selecting Highly Conspicuous Subtracts, A Case Study in the Karakorum Range. J Ethol & Animal Sci 2019, 2(2): 000113. (EI)
47. Jinzhe Qi , Marcel Holyoak , Yao Ning,Guangshun Jiang. Ecological thresholds and large carnivores conservation: Implications for the Amur tiger and leopard in China. Global Ecology and Conservation 21 (2020) e00837 (Q2)
48. Zhi-wei Peng , Yao Ning , Dan Liu, Ying Sun, Li-xin Wang , Qi-an Zhai, Zhi-jun Hou, Hong-liang Chai and Guang-shun Jiang. Ascarid infection in wild Amur tigers
(Panthera tigris altaica) in China. BMC Veterinary Research (2020) 16:86
49.Muhammad Zaman, Bryony A. Tolhurst, Mengyan Zhu, Guangshun Jiang. Den-site selection at multiple scales by the red fox (Vulpes vulpes Subsp. Montana) in a patchy human-dominated landscape. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2020.e01136. (Q2)
50.Kahindo Tulizo Consolee, Chunyv Gao, Kasereka Vitekere, Chunshi Li, Hua Yan, and
Guangshun Jiang.Human-Leopard Conflict: An Emerging Issue of North China Leopard
Conservation in Tieqiaoshan Provincial Nature Reserve in Shanxi Province, China.
Animals 2020, 10, 996; doi:10.3390/ani10060996. (Q1)  
51.Yingjie Ma, Heng Bao, Roberta Bencini, David Raubenheimer, Hongliang Dou, Hui Liu, Sirui Wang and Guangshun Jiang. Macro-Nutritional Adaptive Strategies of Moose (Alces alces) Related to Population Density. Animals 2020, 10, 73; doi:10.3390/ani10010073.(Q1)  
52.Chunmei Shi, Dan Liu, Yonglu Cui, Jiajun Xie , Nathan James Roberts, Guangshun. Amur Tiger Stripes: Individual Identification Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Network. Integrative Zoology (2020) 15, 461–70.(Q1)  
53.Yan Hua, Kasereka Vitekere, Jiao Wang, Mengyan Zhu, Muhammad Zaman & Guangshun Jiang. Coexistence of sympatric carnivores in a relatively homogenous landscape and the effects of environmental factors on site occupation. Ann. Zool. Fennici 57: 47–58.(Q3)
54.Zhijun Hou, Zhiwei Peng, Yao Ning, Dan Liu, Hongliang Chai, Guangshun Jiang. An initial coprological survey of parasitic fauna in the wild Amur leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis). Integrative Zoology 2020; 15: 375–384.(Q1)
55.Fengping He, Dan Liu, Le Zhang, Jiancheng Zhai , Yue Ma, Yanchun Xu, Guangshun Jiang, Ke Rong,and Jianzhang Ma. Metagenomic analysis of captive Amur tiger faecal microbiome. BMC Veterinary Research (2018) 14:379(Q1)
56.Jingxuan Wang Guangshun Jiang. Advances in Terrestrial Mammal Movement Ecology: An Overview.Journal of Zoological Research, 2019,1(2)  DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jzr.v1i2.1717.  
57.Ning Y, Qi J, Dobbins MT, Liang X, Wang J, Chen S, Ma J and Jiang G(2020)
Comparative Analysis of Microbial Community Structure and Function in the Gut of Wild
 and Captive Amur Tiger. Front.Microbiol. 11:1665. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01665(Q2)
58.Kasereka Vitekere , Jiao Wang, Henry Karanja, Kahindo Tulizo Consolée, Guangshun Jiang* and Yan Hua*. Dynamic in Species Estimates of Carnivores (Leopard Cat, Red Fox, and North Chinese Leopard): A Multi-Year Assessment of Occupancy and Coexistence in the Tieqiaoshan Nature Reserve, Shanxi Province, China. Animals 2020, 10, 1333; doi:10.3390/ani10081333.
59.Yan Hua, Heqin Cao, Jiao Wang, Fengping He and Guangshun Jiang. Gut microbiota and fecal metabolites in captive and wild North China leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis) by comparsion using 16 s rRNA gene sequencing and LC/MS-based metabolomics. BMC Veterinary Research (2020) 16:363. (Q1) https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-020-02583-1
60.William F. Jensen , Roy V. Rea , Colin E. Penner , Jason R. Smith, Eugenia V. Bragina , Elena Razenkova, Linas Balciauskas , Heng Bao, Stanislav Bystiansky, Sándor Csányi, Zuzana Chovanova, Gundega Done, Klaus Hackl?nder, Marco Heurich, Guangshun Jiang, Alexander Kazarez, Jyrki Pusenius, Erling J. Solberg, Rauno Veeroja, and Fredrik Widemo. A Review of circumpolar moose populations with mphasis on Eurasian moose distributions and densities. Alces 56:63-78 (2020).
61.Zhu, M., Zaman, M., Wang, M., Vitekere, K., Ma, J.*, Jiang, G*. Population Density and Driving Factors of North China Leopards in Tie Qiao Shan Nature Reserve. Animals 2021, 11, 429. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11020429.
62.HengBao, GuimingWang*, YunlongYao, ZitianPeng, Huashan Dou, Guangshun Jiang*. Warming-driven shifts in ecological control of fish communities in a large northern Chinese lake over 66 years. Science of The Total Environment. 2021,770, 144722.(Q1)
63.Song Sun, Hongliang Dou, Shichao Wei, Yani Fang, Zexu Long, Jiao Wang, Fuyu An, Jinqian Xu, Tingting Xue, Huangjie Qiu, Yan Hua*, Guangshun Jiang*.A Review of the Engineering Role of Burrowing Animals: Implication of Chinese Pangolin as an Ecosystem Engineer. Journal of Zoological Research, 03(03) July 2021. DOI: https://doi.org/10.30564/jzr.v3i3.3102.
64.Jinzhe Qi, Jiayin Gu, Yao Ning, Dale G. Miquelle, Marcel Holyoak, Dusu Wen, Xin Liang, Shuyan Liu, Nathan James Roberts, Eryan Yang , Jianmin Lang, Fuyou Wang, Cheng Li, Zhuo Liang, Peiqi Liu, Yi Ren, Shaochun Zhou, Minghai Zhang, Jianzhang Ma, Jiang Chang, Guangshun Jiang. Integrated assessments call for establishing a sustainable meta-population of Amur tigers in northeast Asia. Biological Conservation 261 (2021) 109250. (Q1)
65.Long, Z., J. Gu, G. Jiang, M. Holyoak, G. Wang, H. Bao, P. Liu, M. Zhang, and J. Ma. 2021. Spatial conservation prioritization for the Amur tiger in Northeast China. Ecosphere 12(9):e03758. 10.1002/ecs2.3758 (Q2)
66.Vitekere K, Lango LM, Wang J, Zhu M, Jiang G, Hua Y. 2021. Threats to site occupation of carnivores: a spatiotemporal encroachment of non-native species on the native carnivore community in a human-dominated protected area. Zool Stud 60:52. doi:10.6620/ZS.2021.60-52.(Q2)
67.Shiyu Chen, Marcel Holyoak, Hui Liu, Heng Bao, Yingjie Ma, Hongliang Dou, Guangshun Jiang. Effects of Spatially Heterogeneous Warming on Gut Microbiota, Nutrition and Gene Flow of a Heat-sensitive Ungulate Population. Science of The Total Environment. 2021.0920. (Q1)
68.Roberts NJ, Zhang Y, Convery I, Liang X, Smith D, Jiang G. 2021. Cattle grazing effects on vegetation and wild ungulates in the forest ecosystem of a national park in northeastern China. Front. Ecol. Evol. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.680367. (Q1)
69.Vitekere K, Tulizo K, Zaman M, Karanja H, Hua Y, Jiang G. 2021. Insights on the North China Leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis Gray, 1862): Challenges in Distribution, Population Status, Threats, and Implications for Conservation. J. Anim. Plant Sci.-JAPS 31: 1-18. doi: 10.36899/Japs.2021.1.0187. (Q3)
70.Vitekere K, Hua Y, Jiang G. 2021. Complexity, Connectance and Link Density in Continental Food Webs: Dissimilarities in Aquatic and Terrestrial Food Webs and Their Habitats. Appl. Ecol. Environ. Res 19: 817 - 831. doi: 10.15666/aeer/1902_817831. (Q4)
71.Zaman M, Rakha B A, Bao H, Vitekere K, Jiang G. 2020. Effect of Habitat Factors and Predator Density on the Spatial Abundance of Cape Hare (Lepus capensis) in the Karakorum Range. Appl Ecol. Environ. Res. 18: 2921-2934. doi: 10.15666/aeer/1802_29212934. (Q4)
72.Jinzhe QI,Marcel HOLYOAK,Michael T. DOBBINS,Chong HUANG,Qi LI,Wen SHE,Yao NING,Quan SUN,Guangshun JIANG,Xiaochun WANG (2021). Wavelet methods reveal big cat activity patterns and synchrony of activity with prey. Integrative Zoology 00, 1–15. (Q1)
73.Roberts NJ, Zhang Y, Convery I, Liang X, Smith D and Jiang G (2021) Cattle Grazing Effects on Vegetation and Wild Ungulates in the Forest Ecosystem of a National Park in Northeastern China. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:680367. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.680367.(Q1)
74.Shuyan Liu, Jinzhe Qi, Jiayin Gu, Zexu Long, Jianzhang Ma*, Guangshun Jiang*. What factors relate with the activity synchronization intensity among big cats and their ungulate prey in Northeast China? Global Ecology and Conservation 32 (2021) e01899. (Q1)
75.NingY, Roberts N.J., Qi J., Peng Z., Long Z., Zhou S., Gu J., Hou Z., Yang E., Ren Y., Lang J., Zhang M., Ma J., Jiang G. Inbreeding status and implications for Amur tiger. 2021, Animal Conservation, DOI: 10.1111/acv.12761.(Q1)
1. 姜广顺,张明海,马建章. 黑龙江省完达山地区马鹿生境破碎化及其影响因子. 生态学报,2005,(7):1691-1708.
2. 姜广顺, 马建章, 张明海. 马鹿冬季生境破碎化因子斑块尺度结构的地理统计学分析. 北京林业大学学报. 2006, 28, 2:95-100.
3. 张玮琪、姜广顺、张明海、马建章、董会书. HPLC 测定驼鹿和狍雪尿肌酐及嘌呤衍生物. 兽类学报, 2008, 28 (4):112 -119.
4. 滕丽微,刘振生,李 枫,姜广顺. 半圈养条件下东北虎繁殖期的行为时间分配. 生态学杂志,2003, 22(6): 53-56.
5. 李敏, 利世锋, 李连山, 林宝庆, 包军, 姜广顺. 向海 湿地景观类型与鸟类多样性季节变化的关系. 野生动物, 2012,33(3):134-138.
6. Zhang C. Z., Zhang M. H., Jiang G. S. Assessment of monitoring methods for population abundance of Amur tiger in Northeast China. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(19):5943- 5952.
7. 顾佳音, 刘辉, 姜广顺. 东北虎个体识别技术研究进展. 野生动, 2013,34(4):229-237.
8. 刘辉, 姜广顺, 李惠.2013.北方冬季有蹄类动物4种数量调查方法的比较研究.生态学报. 2014. DOI: 10.5846/stxb201308172102.
9. 张鹏, 姜广顺, 肖治术. 运用红外相机和样线法调查黑龙江双河自然保护区兽类资源. 生物多样性. 2014, 22 (6): 773–775.
10. 李治霖, 康霭黎, 郎建民, 薛延刚, 任毅, 朱志文, 马建章, 刘培琦,姜广顺. 探讨基于红外相机技术对大型猫科动物及其 猎物的种群评估方法. 生物多样性. 2014, 22 (6): 725–732.
11. 肖治术, 李欣海, 姜广顺. 红外相机技术在我国野生动物监测研究中的应用. 生物多样性. 2014, 22 (6): 683–684.  
12. 王静,周志强,刘辉,姜广顺. 林分等环境因子对中俄东北虎分布影响的比较研究. 野生动物学报. 2014,35(3):245-251.
13. 于兰,华彦,王晓晨,吴晓宇,樊翠平,王碧霄,姜广顺.獭兔与大耳白兔毛纤维的形态计量学鉴别[J].野生动物学报, 2017,38(03):386-390.
14. 杨帆,胡素贤,王晶晶,郭凯,姜广顺. 微生境尺度下有蹄类动物空间季节利用互作关系研究. 野生动物学报,39(2):224-230;(共同第一作者)
15. 葛宝庆,胡素贤,孙铁铎,张崇颖, 姜广顺.长白山北部林区野猪局域种群的遗传多样性研究,野生动物学报,39(2):243-249;(共同第一作者)
16. 盛清宇,孙铁铎,张崇颖,罗理杨,姜广顺.长白山北部区域西伯利亚狍局域种群遗传特征的分析[J].野生动物学报,2018,39(03):480-486.
17. 刘衍,孙铁铎,周绍春,姜广顺.森林抚育干扰下的完达山区西伯利亚狍栖息地适宜性评价[J].野生动物学报,2018,39(03):487-492.
18. 华彦,赖俊宇,刘丹,邢晓莹,姜广顺. 基于自动相机技术对西伯利亚狍(Capreolus pygargus)季节性换毛序的测定. 野生动物学报,2019,40(4):840-847.
19. 王萌,朱思雨,薛茂盛,刘霖,任迎丰,李立新,许青,姜广顺. 微卫星标记方法在大型猫科动物保护遗传学研究中的应用和挑战.野生动物学报,2019,40(3)780-786.
20. 王铎,郎建民,潘海峰,姜广顺. 吉林珲春保护区哺乳动物种间冷暖季空间共存关系的研究. 野生动物学报,2019,40(3)529-536.
21. 孔璇敏,刘丹,李彦东,姜广顺. 猫科动物叫声通讯的研究进展. 野生动物学报,2019,40(3)771-779.
22. 史春妹,谢佳君,顾佳音,刘丹,姜广顺.基于目标检测的东北虎个体自动识别.生态学报,2021,41(12):4685? 4693.
23. 杨飞飞,利世峰,宁长林,高世鑫,包衡,姜广顺. 生境因子对向海保护区秋季迁徙鸟类多样性的影响.野生动物学报,2021,42(4):1085-1094.
1.《中国东北豹种群和栖息地研究》(中英文对照)(科学出版社出版)姜广顺等 主编 (2016)
2.《中国东北虎种群和栖息地动态及其精准管理研究》(中英文对照)(科学出版社出版)姜广顺等 主编 (2020)
1) 实用新型专利:一种野生动物资源管理系统(专利号: ZL 201620934471.4)(发明人:姜广顺、郑君、马天、顾佳音、齐进哲、华彦、杨帆;专利权人:东北林业大学)授权公告日:2017年04月19日;
4)实用新型专利:一种野生动物毛发自动采集装置(专利号: ZL 201620946336.1)(发明人:周宏威、姜广顺、顾佳音、邓灿强、郭威;专利权人:姜广顺、周宏威、东北林业大学)授权公告日:2017年2月1日;
5)实用新型专利:棘轮式毛发采集装置(专利号: ZL 201720274910.8)(发明人:刘小峰、姜广顺、夏任波、蒋爱民、周小琴;专利权人:河海大学常州校区、东北林业大学)授权公告日:2017年11月17日;
6)实用新型专利:一种配重式毛发采集装置(专利号: ZL 201720274839.3)(发明人:夏任波、姜广顺、刘小峰、蒋爱民、周小琴、刘玉宏;专利权人:河海大学常州校区、东北林业大学)授权公告日:2017年10月20日;
7)野外监测图像数据管理系统 V 1.0(计算机软件著作权登记号:2016SR320134)开发完成日期:2016年6月15日;授权公告日:2016年11月7日;
8)黑龙江省地方标准. 姜广顺、华彦、王静轩、李彦东、于腊梅、于晓杰、吕长伟. 野猪及其杂交猪林下散养管理规范. DB23/T 2329—2019. 2019-03-19发布; 2019-04-19实施。
9)实用新型专利:一种野生动物保护用野猪捕捉笼(专利号:ZL2019 2 0763019.X) 发明人:华彦姜广顺 王静轩 专利公告日:2020年02月18日 专利权人:东北林业大学
10)发明专利:动物毛发取样的自动化装置及其工作方法 (专利号ZL 2017 1 0168300.4) 专利权人:河海大学常州校区;东北林业大学 授权公告日:2019年01月03日。
11)发明专利:一种自动才气动物毛发的自动化装置及工作方法 (专利号ZL 2017 1 0168265.6) 专利权人:河海大学常州校区;东北林业大学 授权公告日:2019年05月10日。
12)发明专利:一种野外监测信息处理装置 (专利号ZL201610717226.2)专利权人:东北林业大学;授权公告日期:2019年02月22日。
13)发明专利:一种鉴定马鹿、狍及梅花鹿毛发的形态学方法. (专利号ZL 201910508125.8) 发明人:华彦、王娇、张丽娜、姜广顺. 专利权人:东北林业大学;授权公告日期:2021年06月29日。
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